Thursday, February 8, 2007

mail box

Today... I will talk about my 3-second froze in front of my mail box, but before I start my story, I have to tell you the dream I had couple nights ago.

It was all too real. I stood right in front of my mail box. Holding in my hands is a post card with a beautiful campus building on the front and few sentences on the back of it. I drew it closer to my eyes, and realized that the words said "Sorry, Ms. Christiana, ding ding for you.", and it was signed by UCLA. I thought, "wow, I just got rejected!", but amazingly I wasn't too sad (or at least not yet), then came another thought "how nice of them to send me a post card to enjoy the scenery while trying to swallow that big fat ding"
.......Then my alarm clock went off~

This is no wonder that I froze right in front of my mail box when I saw what was lying inside it. It was a post card, from NYU. I really don't remember why, but my mind flashed back immediately to that dream. OMG, it can't be true. They just rejected me? NYU, no ... how can they do that? Shouldn't the decision come in email first? All those thoughts just started popping up within those milli-seconds as I slowly turned around the post card.

"Thank you for applying to the MBA program at NYU Stern School of Business. We have received your application and look forward to learning about your experience....

NYU Stern Admissions"

And then there was silly laugh afterwards.... this whole waiting experience is really torturing my every day life.


WasabiPeas said...

good luck! I almost went to stern for undergrad...i love nyc :)

leoaueb said...

Keep thinking positive and for sure something great will occur :-)

NYU is a great place to be along with all the other schools that you are interested in! I'll also be in NYC from coming September... :-)

AGirlsMBA said...

Hey, thanks for the comment! Yeah, I applied to Stern R2. I just received an interview invite yesterday (if I remember correctly) ... I think they are just getting to the bulk of their stuff ... from what it seems like on the forums they are still finishing up R1.

Best of luck!