An email at 10am... the subject line: "Change in application status" email from NYU Stern.
My heart was pounding at an amazing rate. I debated whether I should read the email now, while at work. I decided to read it anyways. I am prepared for any situation and any kind of status.
After I pressed the "View Decision Letter" button that presumely would lead me to a letter, my eyes quickly skimmed through the lettter, attempting to pick up some key words. And I did. A whole cold sentence.
"...After careful consideration of your application and credentials, we are unable to offer you admission but we would like to encourage you to reapply in the future..."
I am not going to lie about my feeling. I am disappointed, followed by a serious reconsideration of my other options.
Note to myself: Ouch =(
My heart was pounding at an amazing rate. I debated whether I should read the email now, while at work. I decided to read it anyways. I am prepared for any situation and any kind of status.
After I pressed the "View Decision Letter" button that presumely would lead me to a letter, my eyes quickly skimmed through the lettter, attempting to pick up some key words. And I did. A whole cold sentence.
"...After careful consideration of your application and credentials, we are unable to offer you admission but we would like to encourage you to reapply in the future..."
I am not going to lie about my feeling. I am disappointed, followed by a serious reconsideration of my other options.
Note to myself: Ouch =(