Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Ding from NYU Stern

An email at 10am... the subject line: "Change in application status" email from NYU Stern.

My heart was pounding at an amazing rate. I debated whether I should read the email now, while at work. I decided to read it anyways. I am prepared for any situation and any kind of status.

After I pressed the "View Decision Letter" button that presumely would lead me to a letter, my eyes quickly skimmed through the lettter, attempting to pick up some key words. And I did. A whole cold sentence.

"...After careful consideration of your application and credentials, we are unable to offer you admission but we would like to encourage you to reapply in the future..."

I am not going to lie about my feeling. I am disappointed, followed by a serious reconsideration of my other options.

Note to myself: Ouch =(

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Another valentine's day post

I just can't resist the temptation to create a post on this celebrated lover's day. o(^-^)o

Nothing much has changed since the last post, except maybe, R2 interviews for Haas and NYU are opened. I wonder, if I would ever get an interview?

Boeing is coming to my campus for info session/interview, maybe this will be a great chance to jump start my Plan B. After much thinking, I realize I have come to the point of my life where every option is a good option. (A note to myself: hafta call that lady in the office to schedule an interview)

This Valentine's Day- I can't be more happier. I not only receive many love from my friends, but also from my that special someone <3. While I am so busy with my telepathic campaign with adcom... (interview invites, interview invites), I make sure I don't forget to say Love You to my dear.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

mail box

Today... I will talk about my 3-second froze in front of my mail box, but before I start my story, I have to tell you the dream I had couple nights ago.

It was all too real. I stood right in front of my mail box. Holding in my hands is a post card with a beautiful campus building on the front and few sentences on the back of it. I drew it closer to my eyes, and realized that the words said "Sorry, Ms. Christiana, ding ding for you.", and it was signed by UCLA. I thought, "wow, I just got rejected!", but amazingly I wasn't too sad (or at least not yet), then came another thought "how nice of them to send me a post card to enjoy the scenery while trying to swallow that big fat ding"
.......Then my alarm clock went off~

This is no wonder that I froze right in front of my mail box when I saw what was lying inside it. It was a post card, from NYU. I really don't remember why, but my mind flashed back immediately to that dream. OMG, it can't be true. They just rejected me? NYU, no ... how can they do that? Shouldn't the decision come in email first? All those thoughts just started popping up within those milli-seconds as I slowly turned around the post card.

"Thank you for applying to the MBA program at NYU Stern School of Business. We have received your application and look forward to learning about your experience....

NYU Stern Admissions"

And then there was silly laugh afterwards.... this whole waiting experience is really torturing my every day life.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Plan B... anyone?

Yeah, I still managed to find time to write another entry. It only seemed like a good idea to jog down my thoughts that are carried from day to day until I receive the official email.

15 or 20 posts? That is the number of posts I read on MBA waiting experience. Most of them made it somewhere, if not Kellogg, then Stern...or Anderson~ Chicago (1), couple Whartons... man, I am beginning to get really worried!!

So plan B... basically is what I can do if B-school is out of the question. Let's see my options:
  • Move to California
  • Find a job (maybe 40K) ....why, I am a content person, not greedy...
  • FINALLY, and finally make my third business dream become a reality (wait, what happened to the second one?... oh that, well, it's still going. Like constipation, it's stuck...almost came out, but not quite ==") FU Wear Asia (Est. 2010)
Yeah, my Plan B is cool~ but an MBA would be even cooler~

Monday, February 5, 2007

still waiting

Day 2 since I created this blogger.

February 5th, 5:32pm.... I am still checking my email every half an hour. My number one thing to do in the morning. Well, no news yet.

... I've heard that no news is good news. I certainly hope so. O_O

Diana (sister) just got an acceptance offer from UCLA. Damn, that was fast.

When is it my turn to jump up and down? Soon...I hope... really....

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Is it done?

I told myself.... I am not going to start another blogging site. But I did. Here's the proof: well, I am writing it now (duh)

MySpace, MSN Live, Mixi (Japan's equivalent of myspace), and now, the Blogger. I am torn among these sites to share my agonizing pre-MBA journey.

I chose Blogger at the end, mainly because so many other prospective MBAs chose this site to be the ONE that they shared their experiences on. Of course, I would like to read back, sometime in the future, knowing that I have at least some evidence in writing documenting my painful Quest for the MBA impossible.

Why do I call it the MBA impossible? It's not only because I am applying for top schools...not Ivy Leagues now...(thanks Nick for the correction), but also I feel like I am an underdog going for the big one.

The truth & the impossible:
I am a Taiwanese (not Asian American now). I came to the U.S. when I was 14 with my older sister (1 year older). Both of us didn't speak any language- (yes, the typical but real Language barrier). Not having parents by our sides was fun and challenging. We learned English all by ourselves, and fixed that broken toilet ourselves. We were proud of where we were from. I appreciate both the American and the Taiwanese cultures, hence, I don't call myself an Asian American (i mean...who am I? -an American or an Asian). I am still a Taiwanese... just one who lives in the U.S. That's all. (man, this paragraph sounds like a personal background, right there)

Armed with only almost 4 years of experiences as a young entrepreneur, I attempted the impossible of applying for Top Tier business school. As you can see, I don't really have an outstanding GMAT (c'mon, 86% percentage tile is not THAT bad), but my GPA tells you that I am definitely a hard worker, a persistent one too. My age...oh yeah... that too. Did you know the average age for MBAs is 27-28. That's a nice 6 years difference. This, I think, is what I have to overcome the most. How do I convince them that a 21-year-old can do as well as a 27-year-old?

Why MBA now if you are running a successful company? <-- this question I think is what I need to explain to them the most, which helps a bit too, since my goal is always clear. An MBA is going to give me a damning credibitabily when negotiating a contract; it's going to give me the network; it's going to find me another business partner....etc. That's it, I just need an interview.