Yes, once more, another rejection. At least UCLA is on time to release their decision. Early in the morning, I got an official rejection email that looks utterly familiar. Just like the other two that had been moved to my Trash folder as soon as I read them.
I am not so discouraged honestly. I knew it was an impossible attempt for me. Now, I am ever so ready to work and gain my real-world experiences. I am quite excited actually! Maybe it's because I read an article the other day that said something like..."recruiters don't view all MBAs the same", and that strike me. If I were actually accepted to any of the program, after kissing goodbye $100K, I wouldn't probably even find a decent job.
Anyways, so much for the loser talk. On a more positive note,
I got my second interview with Boeing! Horray! =)
Instead of spending my weekend grieving at my MBA failures, I have got to prepare for my interview.
Sorry to hear about the dings, but best of luck with Boeing. As you said, you're still young and have all of life in front of you. =)
like asaingal said, u r still quite young and waiting one more year can only make your profile more stronger.
And theres still USC to go, right?
thank you all...I will take all these valuable advice, and start building up my resume ;P
No news for USC....how odd! Not even a status email ~.~
Hey Mocha,
Sorry to hear about the ding at UCLA. Most UCLA MBA grads I've met only care about how high their GMAT score was. It's true. When I told my UCLA MBA colleagues that I got into USC, the first question they asked me was, "what was your GMAT score?" Not even congratulations! USC for some reason does take longer to hear. I waited a few months before getting a phone interview. I was then hinted by the interviewer that I was accepted after our conversation. Anyway, be patient. If you do get into USC, will you enroll? USC has one of the best alumni networks in Taiwan and Hong Kong, which can be helpful if you plan to do business in Asia. Good luck with USC and Boeing.
hey how's life going? went shopping yet??
Thanks Mocha for visiting my blog..and yeah All the best for Boeing. It's a great company; I had worked for them 2 years back :-)
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