Yes, once more, another rejection. At least UCLA is on time to release their decision. Early in the morning, I got an official rejection email that looks utterly familiar. Just like the other two that had been moved to my Trash folder as soon as I read them.
I am not so discouraged honestly. I knew it was an impossible attempt for me. Now, I am ever so ready to work and gain my real-world experiences. I am quite excited actually! Maybe it's because I read an article the other day that said something like..."recruiters don't view all MBAs the same", and that strike me. If I were actually accepted to any of the program, after kissing goodbye $100K, I wouldn't probably even find a decent job.
Anyways, so much for the loser talk. On a more positive note,
I got my second interview with Boeing! Horray! =)
Instead of spending my weekend grieving at my MBA failures, I have got to prepare for my interview.